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Conclusion of the course.

My Reflection. As students at the moment of listening to the teacher saying the word "Evaluation" students automatically think about getting tested, because that's how they have been associating the word, with all kinds of tests along the school period. Many times teachers call themselves as facilitators, just providing with the information but not focusing on the assessment of the students, generally, students do not ask for help, so when the test arrives, the students did not solve his doubts and the teacher was not aware of that, the prominent result is that the student will fail. Evaluation is not just testing students and grading them, is deeper than that.  Evaluation is not just testing students and grading them, is deeper than that. Helping students to improve their learning is possible by knowing what is wrong, what can be corrected, but it is necessary that students and teachers be aware of what.  Although was a short course was challenging, chal...
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Formative and summative assessment

Formative and Summative Assessment Formative and summative assessment are commonly contrasted, the expert Paul Black put it as a simple example "when the cook tastes the soup it is formative, "when the customer tastes the soup it is summative". Informative assessment teachers and students are provided with feedback during the instruction so they can adjust the ongoing teaching and learning to improve students' achievements. In the meantime, summative assessment is used to evaluate students learning, skill acquisition and academic achievements. In the following video, there will be a short explanation of each concept, ending with a contrast, in order to get a complete understanding of the formative and summative assessment a concept map will be developed explaining both concepts. The formative and summative assessment helps to assess students, separated have their advantages and disadvantages, as we already discuss that a continued assessment works p...

CIrculo Infantil

Círculo Infantil why is important to oberserve? Observation of classes are designed to help you have a more productive learning experience, also helps future teachers to know how a class is developed, theory is not all, so my team and I went to observe a class at "Círculo Infantil" a kinder garden where the constructivism is applied. The following video is the presentation of the observation we did at that school. Before of going to observe the class, a list of expectations must be done, the reason is that before of going into a classroom as an observer,  an idea of what is expected to see has to be clear, is needed to study the method that the school uses, so the observer can contrast his/her expectations with how was the method applied. Been in Circulo Infantil has been a wonderful experience, helps you to realize how important is to children been independent since early ages, in the English class was amazing how children were anxious to meet us, to presen...


Checklist A check list is a tool that state specific criteria, allowing teachers and students to gather information and to make judgments about what students know and what they do not know. They offer systematic ways of collecting data about specific behaviors, knowledge, and skills. The quality of information acquired through the use of checklists is highly dependent on the quality of the descriptors chosen for assessment. Their benefit is also dependent on students’ direct involvement in the assessment and understanding of the feedback provided. Having a complete understanding of what they learned or not, there are checklists that are to assess the students work, to know if he accomplished with the requirements. Checklists like the one who is below, helps you to know if students complied with the portfolio and its requirements.  Concepts to cover Yes No Comments The blog has a correct organization Every entry has the correct format. Proje...

Rubrics, portfolios and concept maps

Rubrics, porfolios and concept maps Rubrics, Portfolios, and concepts maps are tools to assess students that in its ways help the learner to improve his knowledge. Rubrics do assess students matching their projects with the requirements in a manner of helping the student to develop projects correctly. Portfolios are a tool used to reflect the student's progress by comparing how early works and latest works were developed. Generally, concepts maps are used since early levels of education, the reason is that concept maps help the learner to structure its ideas, to discriminate information, in order to get what it is really relevant to the topic and to be concise and clear.   These three tools will be developed in the following concept map, presenting the basic concepts of each one. In the following video, will be discussed the importance of these kinds of tools, how are developed and used, some advantages, and how they help students to improve their learning.   ...

Introduction to Issues in Language Assessment and Terminology

Introduction to Issues in Language Assessment and Terminology Assessment is part of evaluation because it is concerned with the student and with what the student does. (Brindley, 1989). In the following concept map will be developed the differences between evaluation, assessment and testing, the elaboration of test results interesting even that there are tests with different purposes the elaboration of them requires time, test to help the student must show them their progress in order to accomplishment and motivate them, also helps to the teacher to keep the student's progress. The elaboration of this concept map helps you to realize how delicate is to elaborate a test, all the components teachers must take into account, also the most important factor, the students. Elaborating a practical test and apply them constantly is in order to help the students in their improvement of the language, many cases test are not well seen because are seen from the wrong perspe...


Interview. In the following interview, some topics from Introduction to Issues in Language Assessment and Terminology will be developed. Also focuses on clarifying the terms assessment, evaluation, and testing, giving a brief explanation about evaluation, assessment, and going deeper with testing, presenting some of the principles and the importance of elaborating a good test. Some doubts of kind of assessment will be clarified, also their differences an example of its application. Generally, the elaboration of tests has been underestimated by students, who do not realize the difficulty, since the planning of a test until the grading of the one. But not only measuring the achievements is important, also improve our weaknesses it is important too, one from of doing it is by assessment, different activities of assessment can be applied in order to help the student to improve and keep improving, the student must be motivated, in order to present the test, test must challen...