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In the following interview, some topics from Introduction to Issues in Language Assessment and Terminology will be developed. Also focuses on clarifying the terms assessment, evaluation, and testing, giving a brief explanation about evaluation, assessment, and going deeper with testing, presenting some of the principles and the importance of elaborating a good test. Some doubts of kind of assessment will be clarified, also their differences an example of its application.

Generally, the elaboration of tests has been underestimated by students, who do not realize the difficulty, since the planning of a test until the grading of the one. But not only measuring the achievements is important, also improve our weaknesses it is important too, one from of doing it is by assessment, different activities of assessment can be applied in order to help the student to improve and keep improving, the student must be motivated, in order to present the test, test must challenge the student, but the student has to be able to answer it. It is necessary to realize the importance of a good test and the impact that will have on the learner.

Mireya Morales Cuautle
Eduardo Carranza Hernández


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