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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2017

Introduction to Issues in Language Assessment and Terminology

Introduction to Issues in Language Assessment and Terminology Assessment is part of evaluation because it is concerned with the student and with what the student does. (Brindley, 1989). In the following concept map will be developed the differences between evaluation, assessment and testing, the elaboration of test results interesting even that there are tests with different purposes the elaboration of them requires time, test to help the student must show them their progress in order to accomplishment and motivate them, also helps to the teacher to keep the student's progress. The elaboration of this concept map helps you to realize how delicate is to elaborate a test, all the components teachers must take into account, also the most important factor, the students. Elaborating a practical test and apply them constantly is in order to help the students in their improvement of the language, many cases test are not well seen because are seen from the wrong perspe...


Interview. In the following interview, some topics from Introduction to Issues in Language Assessment and Terminology will be developed. Also focuses on clarifying the terms assessment, evaluation, and testing, giving a brief explanation about evaluation, assessment, and going deeper with testing, presenting some of the principles and the importance of elaborating a good test. Some doubts of kind of assessment will be clarified, also their differences an example of its application. Generally, the elaboration of tests has been underestimated by students, who do not realize the difficulty, since the planning of a test until the grading of the one. But not only measuring the achievements is important, also improve our weaknesses it is important too, one from of doing it is by assessment, different activities of assessment can be applied in order to help the student to improve and keep improving, the student must be motivated, in order to present the test, test must challen...

Hot potatoe 2

In this entry, I will show you kinds of activities that can be done in hot potatoes, remember that this program is a tool, the implementation can make evaluations different so the students might get exited to answer them. Match <= Index => Match Matching exercise Match the items on the right to the items on the left.  Check  Assimilation theory Match the correct answer A way to think critically by reviewing the specific instances to reach a general conclusion Often done at the beginning or during a lesson Process of purposeful, self-regulating judgment States what is most important in learning A way to think critically by deducing Critical thinking Match the correct answer A way to think critically by reviewing the specific instances to reach a general conclusion Often done at the beginning or during a lesson Process of purposeful, self-regulating judgment States what is most important in l...

Hot potatoes

Working with Hot potatoes makes you realize how some test can be to elaborated, but generally,  elaborating test is not an easy activity, it takes time to think since what you want to measure to the time of the test that students most delay at the moment of answer it, testing it is not an easy task, but with the correct tools as this kind of program can help us to improve our ability to elabore tests. The following test was elaborated in hot potatoe, it is an activity, where the correct answer must be choosed. Select the correct concept map Index => Select the correct concept map Quiz Show all questions <=   => Are the most common types of cocept map. In this map you write groups and sub-groups. Semantic Serial Webbing Spider Check These maps is presented by steps in an organized linear way. Directional Comparative Systems W...